Business Insights on Dust Control
Confronting one of mining’s biggest challenges

“Dust is like the temperature in a thermometer when you have a fever; it is not the core problem but a symptom of underlying issues, some of which are natural and unavoidable. Particularly in mining, controlling dust generated during blasting and other processes is a formidable task due to the sheer energy involved. Haul roads are another big contributor, where massive trucks stir up dust clouds.”
Cristóbal Undurraga, CEO, Ceibo

“Our base KPI for dust control is 85% across all sites where we operate. Thanks to the technology we have developed, we are reaching over 95% dust control and 90% water saving figures across all our operations; we exceed our own KPI’s consistently.”
Mario López, General Manager, VialCorp

“In Australia, there is a company that has developed a robot that can move along the belt with a scanner to detect faults. We are bringing a pilot to Chile this year. Remote inspection of conveyors increases safety and lessens human exposure to dust and contamination.”
Alfredo Serrano, General Manager, Fourthane