Steve Trussell Executive Director
"We are looking at opportunities to get mines online expeditiously to meet increasing demand."
What is the role and evolution of AMA in supporting Arizona’s mining industry?
We are interested in maintaining the viability of the industry in three ways: Community relations, regulatory work, and public policy. We strive to keep Arizona the number one producer of non-fuel minerals in the nation and in the top ten jurisdictions in the world for attracting investment in mining.
What makes Arizona an advantageous jurisdiction to explore and develop a mine?
Arizona has a favorable economic, political and regulatory climate. People know we are the ‘copper state’ and generally understand mining’s importance and the need for mined materials. Arizona ranks first in mineral potential in the US and has a policy perception ranking that is also favorable to mining. Our state agencies are good to work with and do pre-permitting work to efficiently issue key authorizations.
What is mining’s economic impact and contribution to the state?
Arizona mining production was over US$10 billion and ranked 1st in the nation in 2021 and 2022. The hard rock mining sector is a US$14.2 billion industry and, combined with the aggregate industry, is a combined US$20 billion impact on the state’s economy. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the mining industry output per worker is US$545,100, which ranks third behind the aerospace and semi-conductor industry. Mining employs approximately 27,000 people directly and supports another almost 75,000 jobs indirectly. The contributions to state tax revenues are also quite substantial.
What are the biggest challenges that miners in Arizona face today?
University mining program enrollment has been down. College and high school students do not see mining as an agreeable career option. Industry and academia need to quickly adapt to attract the next generation of talent.
The good news for Arizona is the University of Arizona has a new mining school. We are affirmed that we will see significant changes at the university level. They are also engaged with the K-12 system through demonstrations, workshops, and engagement to recruit and attract future talent. The challenge is rebranding the industry for young people.
What are some interesting ways in which technology is permeating the mining industry in Arizona?
There are so many examples in the realm of remote sensing, remediation, water, and geotechnical work. The research at the University of Arizona has been unparalleled in addressing the key issues of the mining industry. From environmental stewardship to the safety of our miners, the tools the university is developing through partnership with industry will be a significant contribution to a safer more sustainable industry.
What are some important catalysts on the horizon for Arizona’s mining industry?
Demand for materials is rising exponentially with the green energy transition. There is tremendous pressure on supply. Where these materials are mined and refined is going to matter. Communicating why minerals are vital to our future, how we obtain them responsibly, and how everyone can be a part of the solution is more important than ever. This will take time and I am not confident it can happen quickly enough to meet the need.
What are some policy developments encouraging a cohesive North American mineral supply chain?
There have been significant congressional efforts to improve or alleviate supply chain issues. Members of our Arizona delegation clearly understand the issue, but there are too many variables and factors politically and otherwise of note that make that effort exceedingly difficult.
What are your main goals for your presidency?
Even though we are a high-ranking jurisdiction in terms of friendliness to investment and mining, it still takes 10 or 12 years to permit new mining operations. We are looking at opportunities to get mines online expeditiously to meet increasing demand. This will include permitting reform, bringing older mining sites back into production and looking at mining waste, which can hold significant opportunity.
Arizona Mining Association’s goal is to keep the Arizona competitive. Arizona should continue to lead the nations as the number one producer of nonfuel minerals and we want to be able to continue to provide the quality of life that people enjoy with their phones, computers, electric vehicles, and technological innovations yet to come, but do it in a very responsible way in terms of environmental health and safety.