Highlighted Projects: Precious Metals
What strategies have juniors adopted?

“In 2023, our main focus was the Triple T Project. We drilled 14 holes, expanding a known mineralization zone; 13 holes showed potentially economic gold grades. We grew the project's land holdings and plan further expansion. An on-site field program from August to October, involving surface sampling and small-scale mapping, aimed to identify drill targets. The drill program is on hold, awaiting market improvement for fund securing. After the field program, we obtained promising results, including multigram surface samples that strongly suggest that the mineralization system extends approximately 1 to 1.5 kilometers to the north and further south.”
John Watson, CEO, NV Gold

“At the Tonopah Gold Project, our tests indicate up to 94% recoveries by grinding higher-grade gold and tank leaching. The residual pulp, combined with lower-grade mineralization, undergoes final heap leaching. Efficient recovery requires grinding the high-grade material to about 75 microns or approximately 200 mesh for full liberation. Gold recovery, ranging from 68% to 94%, depends on the fineness of the crushed/ground material. The decision on the most economic and positive cash flow return involves engineering considerations, determining the extent of this process. For higher-grade materials above 1 g, the additional size reduction step seems advantageous, offering a rapid economic payoff.”
James Hesketh, President and CEO, Viva Gold

“We currently envision our projects in Nevada as standalone but with the potential for shared infrastructure. Specifically, Doby George, being an oxide deposit, is suitable for a standard open-pit heap leach operation, making it relatively straightforward. However, as it deepens, it will transition into sulfide mineralization. Conversely, Gravel Creek represents an underground sulfide deposit, necessitating a different processing approach. Nevertheless, there may be an opportunity to incorporate additional sulfide resources from Doby George, should exploration show promise in expanding this deposit. This flexibility provides us with multiple options for exploration, development, and maximizing the value of our assets.”
Darcy Marud, President and CEO, Western Exploration