Highlighted Projects: Precious Metals

“The 2024 updated mineral resource estimate witnessed a significant increase over the previous iteration reporting approximately 650,000 oz of gold in the Indicated Mineral Resource category and an additional 1,670,000 oz in the Inferred category, all at very respectable gold grades.”
Mike Sieb, President, Getchell Gold

“Our exploration thesis is that we have a world-class carbonate replacement system with significant resources at both ends: Illinois Creek in the west and Water Pump Creek in the northeast, boasting 75 million oz of high-grade silver equivalent.”
Kit Marrs, Co-Founder, CEO and President, Western Alaska Minerals

“30% of Whistler’s value is copper. We have 1.1 billion lbs copper, (0.7 billion inferred, 0.4 billion indicated). We have 2 million oz of indicated and 4.7 million oz inferred gold. Silver is also present.”
Tim Smith, CEO and President, US GoldMining