Shane Capazorio and Renata Vinhas SC: Corporate Account Executive RV: Applications Project Manager
"We anticipate a heightened focus on water reuse in response to stricter regulatory and environmental compliance demands."
What were key highlights at Solenis during 2023?
SC: Solenis has seen significant activity, particularly in the mining sector where we focus on mineral processing chemicals essential for the circular and green economy. We acquired BASF's flocculent and mining chemistries, enhancing our position as a leading chemical provider and broadening our technological offerings and product range.
RV: We witnessed a surge in demand for our innovative solutions, particularly in antiscalants and flocculants. Many operators are utilizing our products to enhance profitability by reducing reagent costs and increasing throughput. We are engaged in projects focused on critical minerals and expanded our workforce in strategic locations. Our patented antiscalant technology improved process throughput for clients by extending runtime and minimizing downtime. Our advanced automation programs optimize chemical dosing in real-time, addressing the growing challenges posed by water scarcity. Can you provide recent case histories in the USA mining industry?
RV: One significant case involved a gold processing operation that struggled with scale formation in their tanks and pipelines, necessitating cleaning every 3-4 weeks, causing production losses and excessive water and cleaning product use. Our Zalta MA11-556, a patented heated slurry anti-scalant, allowed us to optimize the dosage, reducing cleaning frequency, translating to a 12-17 day increase in production, eliminating 8 to 13 cleaning procedures annually and addressing sustainability metrics like water usage and manpower.
Our Zalta MA12-027 anti-scalant, combined with OnGuard 3S Analyzer enabled early detection of scalant formation for another client, optimizing dosage and reducing costs while improving the acidification of the plant.
We assisted another copper plant in the Western United States that was processing varying ore types, leading to difficulties with their tailing thickeners. We maintained and stabilized the process while achieving a 20% lower dosage over 40 days of trial. How does Solenis implement sustainability practices internally and with its customers?
RV: Our coagulants and flocculants enhance solid-liquid separation, significantly improving water recovery and process efficiency. These chemicals are critical for plants to meet production targets and optimize water usage. Our antiscalants prevent undesirable scale formation in tanks and pipelines, reducing operational downtime and minimizing the need for water-intensive cleaning processes. We have sustainability calculations, and work with clients to assess the gains from our solutions.
Our mission at Solenis is to unlock the potential of water and renewable resources to foster a safer and sustainable environment. We are committed to providing differentiated solutions by leveraging water, GHG, and energy data. For instance, we were awarded the Platinum rating for three consecutive years by EcoVadis. In September 2023, we joined the UN Global Compact for the mining industry and set ambitious sustainability goals. How is Solenis utilizing technology and data to maximize yield for customers?
SC: We are focusing on integrating control philosophies with our chemistry to provide best-in-class technical solutions. Given personnel shortages, we aim to enhance automation and digitalization in our offerings. This holistic approach will reduce chemistry usage, decrease transportation needs, and provide significant sustainability benefits for our customers. How will mining and mineral processing contribute to Solenis’ growth?
SC: Solenis views mining and mineral processing as vital target markets both in North America and globally. Our mission is to advance our innovative and sustainable technologies, including our specialized monitoring systems, to deliver value to customers in an industry that needs modernization. Current processes are outdated, and we believe our commitment to providing new, eco-friendly solutions can significantly contribute to industry transformation. We are heavily investing in R&D of new products and technologies while expanding our teams and field personnel.
The demand for various minerals continues to rise, prompting the industry to increase production like never before. Companies are grappling with high operational costs, making it essential to maximize output while minimizing expenses. We aim to collaborate closely with our customers to help them navigate these challenges effectively. We anticipate a heightened focus on water reuse in response to stricter regulatory and environmental compliance demands. As operational hurdles like dwindling high-yield ore supplies and workforce shortages persist, we are eager to integrate the BASF portfolio and leverage the growth opportunities it presents, while introducing value-driven products to the North American market.