John Seaberg, CEO,
"The next multi-million-ounce discovery in Nevada will be undercover, and we are in an advantageous position as our land package is second to none regarding other juniors in Nevada."
Can you briefly introduce NV Gold?
NV Gold has about 20 properties in Nevada and one high-grade property in Switzerland. Our portfolio might be the most diversified exploration portfolio in Nevada, ranging from near-surface oxides epithermal properties like our Slumber and Triple T properties, all the way to Carlin-type deposits that are more bulk tonnage and lower grade but with leach potentials like SW Pipe and Pickhandle. We are actively focused on seven of our highest-priority targets with excellent discovery potential that are in the immediate neighborhood of active mining operations. All our projects are permitted and 100% owned.
What are the latest updates at the Slumber Project?
We had success with RC drilling earlier in 2022, and we have also done some mercury vapor work where we identified five new anomalies in the area. My priority would be to drill Slumber right now as we need to follow up on increasing gold grades up to 1.5 g/t to the north of the property, as well as testing some of the five Mercury-vapor anomalies, which are all outside the mineralized zone. However, we need to be conservative with our capital, since the financial markets are still low.
How promising are the results from the initial drilling program at Sandy in September 2022?
This drilling program marks the beginning of a medium-term exploration campaign. We drilled four RC holes at Sandy that successfully tested "a new zone" north of the 2021 drilling campaign. Based on the visual assessment the rock looks very encouraging having encountered a new zone of potentially mineralized quartz veining. Some assays are still pending. Another relevant asset is SW Pipe. We plan on a one-hole test, we’ve identified the target, and believe it has excellent potential to be another multi-million-ounce Carlin-type deposit.
Can you provide an update on the Notice of Intent approval at Triple T?
We permitted ten new drill sites at Triple T. We recently got that asset back in our portfolio and want to increase the zone of near-surface oxide gold mineralization that was encountered by Evolving Gold in 2007 and NV Gold in 2009. Budget and market conditions permitting, we will embark on that 10 RC drill campaign to find an economic near surface oxide deposit. There are lots of existing operating mines in that area, and we think Triple T could be an excellent ore source for those mines. Finding that ore source could allow us to consider a JV with an operating company.
How is NV Gold leveraging new technologies as part of its exploration strategy?
We have an extensive database of exploration data. We recently did an exercise with GoldSpot who ran that data through their AI software that generated an additional 31 targets based on geological data. We ran multiple iterations of the data and found opportunities based on geological samples and minerals indicative of being near a gold deposit. We have a mountain of data that took a long time to digitize, and now it is in a state where we can action it rather than the data just sitting in a warehouse. Without active interpretation and analysis, data does not have any value.
What is your outlook for gold pricing and demand in the medium term?
What is happening in Ukraine, in the UK, and the political situation in the US has led to unprecedented supply chain and inflationary issues. I’m still optimistic about a strong gold price, around US$1800-2000/oz in the coming months or year. for the last 2,000 years, gold has served as a safe-haven currency, and I believe it will come out as the ultimate reserve currency once again.
What are NV Gold’s priorities in the next 6-12 months?
Unlocking the value of properties that have been underexplored. Pickhandle has never had a drill rig on it, so we are excited to see the results of our recent drill program. We have a potential sleeping elephant at Slumber, and our properties are next to majors’ gold mines in Nevada. In the next 6 months, we’ll see the results of these drill programs. The next multi-million-ounce discovery in Nevada will be undercover, and we are in an advantageous position as our land package is second to none regarding other juniors in Nevada.