Expert Insights:
Beyond the mineralogy
What are the operational upsides to Québec?
“There are two basic rules in the mining industry. The first is to make sure what you're going after is findable. Before you even do that, however, you have to make sure you can mine it. The Abitibi greenstone belt is a tier-one district with over 100 years of proven endowment that has provincial and national support backing its development.”
Philippe Cloutier, President and CEO, Cartier Resources

“Being in Val-d'Or, Québec holds its many advantages. Not only has the district produced over 30 million ounces of gold, but it also provides the company access to key infrastructure including roads, railroads, hydropower, and manpower. We have the privilege of developing Marban in a jurisdiction that has a green-powered grid with 99.6% renewable power and that has a strong carbon policy.”
Jose Vizquerra, CEO, O3 Mining
“From an operations standpoint, Québec has great infrastructure, such as power and roads extending into Northern Québec, which can dramatically lower the cost of exploration and economic thresholds for profitable mining.”
Zach Flood, CEO, Kenorland Minerals

“The Eau Claire project is relatively unexplored and has excellent infrastructure including road access and close proximity to hydropower, making it an attractive economic start for any large senior.”
Tim Clark, CEO, Fury Gold Mines
Image courtesy of Eldorado Gold