Dear Mining Community,
Global Business Reports is proud to release our 2022 in-depth analysis of the Ontario mining sector and the impact it has across the world. Conducting interviews with over one hundred CEOs from majors, producers and juniors to lawyers, engineers and government, we aim to provide an overarching vision of the whole value chain involved in Ontario’s metal and mineral extraction industry.
In a world still battling the effects of the pandemic, miners are cooperating more closely than ever with international, cross-industry consortiums and organizations, collaborating intensely on finding impactful solutions. Financial institutions are navigating uncertain territories, continuously seeking innovative strategies to access larger pools of capital for the sector. Juniors are juggling investor news flow with various types of supply chain delays, including assays spending lengthy times at labs. Drilling and services remain in high demand, with many explorers requiring government extensions to retain their stakes.
The whole world is undergoing a transformative period, trying to strategize the plan to stop the impact of global warming. Now, more than ever, demands on the mining sector will exponentially increase. How effective the industry becomes at adopting innovation, developing new technologies and showcasing the importance of mining to the greater public will play a crucial role in the struggle against global warming.
It is a time to lend a hand, share knowledge, and work together. We would like to thank all of our interviewees for providing their valuable insights and taking the time to make this report, the Ontario Mining and Toronto’s Global Reach 2022 report, as accurate as it can possibly be. We encourage our readers to provide feedback and reach out, should they wish to be interviewed for future reports.
We hope the following pages are both informative and inspiring, as we hear directly from the industry leaders currently shaping the future of the mining industry.